Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Safe, Sound, Fed and Ready For Bed

I have made it to my hotel in one piece. I have to first give a big thanks to Bill McDonald, one of the top people at work here in Yokosuka. He had a car pre-arranged picking him up, and he offered me a ride down, rather than taking the bus or the train. Both of which would normally take me two to three hours. Instead the free car ride down took only and hour and a half. I surprised the hotel staff walking in so early and have now made it in safe and sound. My bags are unpacked (mostly) and I have a belly full of Japanese curry. Thank you Coco's.

Here is a quick video of my housing arrangements for the next few weeks. Probably the nicest place I have stayed in so far, and the biggest.

1 comment:

  1. yay! I like the micro washer.... looks kind of like a toilet... but for your clothes! Looks like you have a pretty good looking place there though, plenty of room for me to come visit, right??
